Free Webinar for Chinese international students

Everything you must know



Free Webinar for Your Academic Success

Date: Saturday, October 16, 2021 (Toronto Time Zone)

Time: 9pm - 10pm (Toronto Time Zone)

Primary Category: Academic Success, Transition From Secondary to Higher Education

Type of Delivery: Virtual - Zoom Meeting


You will find out 你将了解…

  • Factors you need to consider while choosing universities and programs.加拿大大学和专业选择的避坑指南

  • Important deadlines and timelines that you will never want to miss. 错过这些大学申请关键节点,将后悔莫及

  • How you can succeed in the Ontario education system and receive the dream offer from your dream university. 如何能更快更好地毕业并收获满意的大学录取通知书

  • Why you need to be involved in community activities and how commitment to volunteer activities helps you stand out. 为什么要参加义工活动?哪些义工活动能让你在申请大学时脱颖而出

The webinar will afford you with 报名讲座你将获得…

  • Summary sheet of important deadlines and timelines. 大学申请关键时间节点总结表

  • Peel networking and one-on-one mentoring with volunteer graduates. 志愿者学长学姐的一对一大学专业选择和职业规划

  • A lot of volunteer activities that fit your goals and interests. 丰富的社区义工活动机会


Volunteer Position - Marketing Lead

Your responsibilities:

  • Assist with organizing promotional events

  • Help prospective attendants to register

  • Ensure that prospective attendants know what is all about the event

You will be rewarded with:

  • Volunteer hours approved by your school

  • A reference letter that you can use when you apply for universities (only committed volunteers will be granted a reference letter)

Marketing Material


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